

It is situated in between CTC & BBSR 13 K.M from capital of city.

School Building

A Magnificent school building is dedicated for providing quality education..


Class rooms built an modern and scientific lines with dimensions 8 m. x 6 m. & adequate cupboards , excellent lightening & ventilation.


To take care of electricity failures / cut two generators have been installed so that the studies & other activities of the students do not suffer.

Computer Lab

The school has a computer lab to making the learning & use of computer become more and more useful. Keeping this in view a well equipped computer lab with 21 computers & latest educational software has been setup. Dimensions 9 m . x 6 m.

Science Laboratory

Well equipped science lab for Composite lab facilities for students to learn through practical investigation , developing skills of observing, comparing , predicating , testing, communicating and recording. Dimensions 9 m . x 6 m.


A good & spacious library well stocked with useful books, a large no of well – selected reference books bio graphics , classics adapted for children are available in library. Dimensions 14 m x 8 m.

First Aid

School provide First Aid during school hours.

Transport Facility

The school transport facility is available on selected routes . Application for this facility can be submitted in the prescribed form with the required details to the school