Vision & Mission Statement

Our Mission

  • The Mission of the school is to create ideal citizens,individuals,to fulfill their own needs and interests as well as the needs & interests of the society as a whole.Our school provides quality education in an affordable cost to all classes of people.The school provides service to those parents who seek to inculcate their children a thirst for knowledge,good behaviour,challenging and positive attitude in evwry field of work.The school aims at the allround development of the child's physical, intellectual, educationalas well as psycological behaviour.
  • We invite our collaborators, students and parents to work with us realizing our challenging vision of bringing about a new India.

Our Vision

  • Our vision is to make the school a role model school and its renowned name will reflect in every corner of the society to cater the excellent education of the child.
  • Our commitment to this kind of education is made in order to serve specifically the young and among them the poor. We will also seek to conscientize them of their rights and struggle in the face of ongoing oppression and exploitation.


    To fit each student to live in a modern civilized world through adjustment to her environment, we aim to equip her well for:

  • WORK LIFE AND SKILL To qualify each student for a suitable profession, which will make a major contribution to her community, with reference to productivity, creativity, economy and fine arts.
  • CIVIC LIFETo be prepared for active democratic participation in the life of her community and nation in large and small ways.
  • HOME LIFE : To prepare her for an effective and satisfying membership of the most important unit in the community- the home and to teach her to budget her leisure time wisely so as to balance activities that yield satisfaction with those that are useful and necessary

  • The education at Macaulay International school, aims at helping the student to develop a well rounded personality through her spiritual and moral, physical and intellectual, aesthetic and cultural, emotional and social formation.

  • SPIRITUAL :To respond to God's call, and to achieve such personal communion with Him so that prayer and life become completely inter-woven
  • MORAL : To enable her to develop a strong, self-reliant character which will help to make her the right choice in values and behavior when called to do so.
  • PHYSICAL :To develop and maintain a sound body, establishing habits and attitudes that are good and healthy, thus contributing to her physical and emotional growth.
  • INTELLECTUAL :To cultivate the intellect, teaching them to dialogue, analyze, inquire, evaluate and judge rightly.
  • AESTHETIC :To value truth, to create and to be sensitive to human nature and to beauty in all its forms - Literature, Art, Music and Nature.
  • CULTURAL :To assimilate the cultural of her own country through its conservation, transmission and renewal, as well as to respect and appreciate all cultures of other regions and other nations.
  • EMOTIONAL :To increase in self-awareness and to grow in the knowledge and understanding of her inner self: in what she is and what appears to be, to regulate her emotions and to reach to natural growth by self-acceptance, with her potentials and limitations
  • SOCIAL:To master wholesome social values and attitudes in order to play a conscious role in a rapidly changing world, in the family, society and nation, thus contributing to each.
  • HUMANITARIAN: To awaken herself to a social consciousness and a spirit of availability and ready service at all times and in every sphere of life. To be sensitive to the needs of the less fortunate and be ready to contribute towards the upliftment of the downtrodden.

TO SUM UP - :  To help to leave school with principles and ideals which will guide and motivate her through life, which will help her to strive, to influence, to share and to use the blessings of her education for the benefit of herself and of others.