Annual Sports at MIS


Kudos to our students, teachers, and parents for making our Annual Sports Day a resounding success! The energy, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship displayed were truly inspiring. Congratulations to all the winners and participants! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the celebration.

Suresh Mohanty, Physical Education Teacher,RRC,,- YRC Counsellor n Life Member of IRCS. at Chandaka junior college Joined as a guest of honour in the closing ceremony of "Annual Athletic Meet " of Màcaulay International School at Madhuban.Director Mr Soubhagya Parida Sir 🌹 Principal Mrs Rajashree Mam 👌🏽 the teachers and staff for feliciting Mr Suresh Mohanty as a social worker 🌹❤️🌹 above all specisl thanks Mr. Lingaraj Pati .